About us
KKS-Netzwerk e. V. (KKS Network, KKSN) is an association and non-profit organisation of academic coordinating centres for clinical studies in Germany. The members of KKS Network have joined forces with the aim of strengthening patient-oriented clinical research.
Currently, the network consists of 27 member centres from universities, medical faculties, or university hospitals throughout Germany.
All members of KKS Network have a uniformly high-quality standard and an infrastructure that allows providing high-quality support of and services for clinical research. This includes clinical studies regarding the development of new drugs, medical devices, or therapeutic principles as well as the evaluation of commonly used methods and treatments strategies. The centres have experience in a broad range of medical indications and provide all required services – from study planning to preparation of the final report.
According to the aim of the network especially academic or investigator initiated trials are supported e.g. by
- regulatory, methodological, and biometrical advisory service
- budget consultancy
- services like project and data management
- quality control and quality assurance measures to safeguard and verify the quality of academic clinical research.
Approximately 1000 experts in KKS Network consult, plan, and realise clinical studies. They qualify study personnel and actively support the improvement of the regulatory environment of clinical research.
The centres are embedded into the specific environment of the respective university hospital or medical faculty as academic research partners.
Doctors, scientists, and companies benefit from this research-intensive environment and established co-operations with institutes and research groups.
The network is a platform for exchange that facilitates the pooling of expertise and systematic application of synergies. It also facilitates co-operation of single academic structures within the network. Members of the KKSN actively supported the establishment of the European Clinical Research Network ECRIN.
Since the first initiation of a co-operation of academic study structures in 1999 KKS Network is constantly growing. The network is open to accept new members, providing they share the same objectives: Networking and improving the quality of clinical research in Germany.