Studies Realized
with Experts

The ECRIN office in Germany

KKS Network’s national ECRIN office is your contact to ECRIN and your service partner in Germany. You will find access to services, support, and advice there. 

Each ECRIN member country has a European correspondent (EuCo) who coordinates and directs the required processes in close consultation with the sponsor and ECRIN partners. Their work includes the steps required for study planning such as the preparation of cost estimates for the services of the ECRIN partners. Multinational studies have been already conducted successfully with these structures and processes.

The European correspondents in the German ECRIN office will provide you with information about the further consultation services of its scientific partner institutions. They will also support you submitting your study documents to the ECRIN Scientific Board.


KKS Network: ECRIN partner in Germany

The German ECRIN Office connects you with the members of the KKS Network for the planning and conduct of your clinical study in Germany. 
As scientific partner, KKS Network provides central services (for the entire international study project), local services (in Germany only), and other relevant services via its members. The scientific services are arranged by the national ECRIN office.
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMF) funded the establishment of the German ECRIN office and the expansion of the range of services offered by KKS Network members for European multinational studies.